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Create a proposal or marketing plan as easily as the experts do! The FastPlan™ Proposal and Marketing will help you communicate with colleagues, clients and managers more effectively and authoritatively...learn more


Proposal and Marketing

For whom: Ideal for entrepreneurs, small business owners, consultants, marketing managers/consultants, MBAs, etc

What it does: Helps you present your work and thoughts with the most polished, professional look possible. Creates a set of marketing documents just by asking for key information.

Designed by: A group of Harvard MBAs and business professionals with dozens of years of business and marketing experience. Authors of this product have developed FastPlan™ Proposal and Marketing based on popular formats followed widely in the industry.

List price $129.95     you save $30 (23%)

Microsoft Office 97 to 2003
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Requires Microsoft Excel and Word for full functionality

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Product Description

Create a proposal or marketing plan as easily as the experts do! The FastPlan™ Proposal and Marketing will help you communicate with colleagues, clients and managers more effectively and authoritatively. Our FastPlan outlines were created by Village Software's network of expert authors giving you a cumulative years of knowledge and experience.


This FastPlan™ includes:

  • Fax Cover Sheet

  • Cover Letter

  • Quote

  • Presentation Sheets

  • Referrals

  • Proposal Details

  • Follow-up Letter

  • Market Analysis

  • Product Components

  • Service Offerings

  • Testimonial

  • Profit Estimator

Choose only the sections you want with Village Software's unique "wizard". If you don't need a Testimonial, simply "unselect" it and the section disappears. If you want to include your company logo and information, you just insert it once in the "wizard" and the document automatically customizes all your selected documents.

As with all Village Software FastPlan™s, our Proposal and Marketing includes writing advice, to help you pick the right emphasis for you text sections. If you pull together lots of proposals or just need to write one, the FastPlan™ Proposal and Marketing is perfect for you!

  • Store documents associated with each proposal and marketing plan in a single FastPlan™.

  • The FastPlan™ Wizard lets you choose a company logo for your company's proposal and marketing plan documents.

  • Print or fax your proposal to your client at the touch of a button. You can fax one or all of the documents at once.

  • Pre-formatted fax cover sheets and other documents give your proposal documents a uniform look and feel.

  • Village Software's easy installation lets you jump right in and get started.

  • Navigate easily through your entire collection of documents with a click of a button.

  • The Quote automatically calculates totals and taxes.

  • Choose the sections that you want to have in your FastPlan™. Village Software's FastPlan™ Wizard lets you select the sections you want to use so you won't clutter your file with ones you don't.

  • If you prepare many proposals or marketing plans, this FastPlan™ will remember your business information. So, you'll only need to type it in once. The next time you use the FastPlan™, the Wizard will automatically fill it in again until you change it.

System Requirements

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/NT

Office Suite: Microsoft Office 97,2000,XP,2003

RAM: 64 MB or more

Free disk space: 3 MB (app.)

Processor: Processors with 300MHz or higher speed

List price $129.95     you save $30 (23%)

Microsoft Office 97 to 2003

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These are actual screens of the product. Click the image for an enlarged view.

Start screen

Proposal creater wizard 1

Proposal creater wizard 2

Proposal creater wizard 3

Proposal creater wizard 4

Main menu for all proposal documents created

Proposal creater wizard 5

Sales quote template

Sample of a proposal document created by this FastPlan

Sample cover letter created by this FastPlan

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Get Customization

We specialize in customizing Microsoft Office to your unique specifications. If you can't find what you need in our small business products store then send us a request for customization. We will send you a FREE quote and proposal document.

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