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Technical Assistance - Events & Groups Tracker

This module is a powerful solution to track events, assign units for all participants, register peer groups, track group activities and information, and more. Technical Assistance seamlessly integrates with contact management and other modules of MIMOTA and allows you to manage all TA contact information along with relationships, notes, memos, action calls, etc. Complete flexibility in design allows you to add any number of new groups, events, and event types, and define information for all dropdown lists.

The TA module allows you to record and track basic information such as date, name, attendees, category, purpose, hours of training, and so forth for an event. You can assign points and grades for all participants of an event and generate summary reports. Groups Tracker allows you to manage groups by naming and categorizing them and assigning parameters (hours of events attended, etc.,) for each group/category. You can generate summary reports by groups, members, or combinations of the two.


With Technical Assistance - Events & Groups Tracker you can...

>   Maintain all TA contact information along with relationship details

>   Schedule and manage various events administered/sponsored by your organization

>   Record and track participants, assign scores/grades, and measure results

>   Categorize groups, manage/track group activities, and set privileges for groups

>   Generate various summary reports on all events and groups (completely customizable reporting options)



Events tracker

Group tracker





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